There is now a single bottom bar that houses the address bar, a new “expand” button, a tab button, and the menu.. You can try out the new interface yourself on Android by installing Share and Enjoy. Anda Un Sata 3 En Mother Phoenix V6

There is now a single bottom bar that houses the address bar, a new “expand” button, a tab button, and the menu.. You can try out the new interface yourself on Android by installing Share and Enjoy. b0d43de27c Anda Un Sata 3 En Mother Phoenix V6

Ars Technica 039;s Hands On With Chrome For Mac

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With the new layout, Chrome’s chrome no longer comes anywhere near the top of the screen.. First, there’s an address bar in the middle of the screen, then a row of circular icons that seems to be common bookmarks..  This half-page interface is also what pops up when opening a new tab Most of the sections are what you would expect from Chrome, but the “Home” tab is all new.. We expect it to be headed to the Beta and Stable versions once all the bugs get worked out, and it should eventually see a release on iOS. Driver Bolt Bl1

Anda Un Sata 3 En Mother Phoenix V6

Ars Technica 039;s Hands On With Chrome For Mac